Wednesday 24 April 2013

Third Wednesday

When I came in in the morning I did puzzles at the tables with the children i helped them with whatever one they were doing. After this I played games with the children.
Then I did art and crafts with the kids. This week they were learning about farm animals so we were making sheep. Were using old yoghurt pots and cotton wool. I helped (2 by 2) the children to cover the yoghut pots in glus and then stick and place balls of cotton wolls on the pots. Then they went to the teacher and got a face.

After this I played trains and blocks with some of the boys and girls. I heped them build the train tracks and we also made a castle with the blocks. Then it was tidy up time.

Then I did Jolly Phonics with kids, i held the book and showed them the pictures and sang along. Then it was time for the boys and girls Lunch. Which I helped with also.


After Lunch we sang songs and played group games. When It was hope time I helped the kids put their jackets and bags on.

I really enjoyed my third day of work experience in the playschool, I loved working the children!

2nd week!

In the morning I came in and played and did puzzles with the children.  I helped them with whatever they were doing. After this I did painting with all of kids. I called them up two by two to their picture. I showed them how to use the paints, then I  rolled up the selves etc. I then wiped their hands etc when they were done I also cleaned up any split paint and when they were finished.

Then I did a board game called shopping lists with the children in groups of sixs'. I had to tell them how to play and help along the way
After this I played again with kids, put costumes on them and helped them. After their lunch I did story time and jolly phonics. Then we sany songs and then it was time to go home. All kids got their jackets and things together.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

First day of third work placement

 Today was my first day in Allsorts' playschool.  When I came in I first meet the two ladies who run and work in the playschool,  they were really nice and friendly. They were both really welcome, I wasnt nervous or anxious about the day ahead.

 Then Martina introduced me to all the kids, they were all really excited to have a new person in their classroom. At first I helped and played dress-up with some of the kids, then I played and helped the children with puzzles and jigsaws.

Martina then talked to me about the playschool's policies incl child abuse, confidentiality etc.

 After this I wrote all the children's names on sheets of paper for painting. Then two by two I called each child to the painting area to paint. I had to roll up their selves, place a painting t - shirt on them help them and then wipe their hands using a baby wipe.

Throughtout thedat of work experience I played games and helped the kids. I also read stories and helped in the cleaning up of the toys.

I really the day working with the xhildren and can't wait to go back next week! ;)
I have started by Third work experience placement in Allsorts playschool Celbridge!