Wednesday 8 May 2013

Second Last Wednesday in Playschool! :(

When I came in in the morning I did puzzles at the tables with the children i helped them with whatever one they were doing. After this I played games with the children.

Then I did a worksheet with each of the children, 1 at time. they were learning the letter F. I told them the colours of the french flag and then they coloured it in.

After this I played games and did puzzles with the kids. When it was luch thime for them I helped take out luches and open things etc.

After lunch we learnt all about France and sang some French songs. Then I put all their coats and bags out for going home. I helped the children put on their coats and bags. It was then home time!

Friday 3 May 2013

The following things are what I did in Work experience today!

  • Play
  • Pluzzes
  • Colouring
  • Names on all the colouring sheets 
  • Make the booklets
  • Name them all
  • Helped with lunch sang songs 
  • Played cat and mouse 
  • Organised the booklets in boys and girls
  • Story time 
  • Home time

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Third Wednesday

When I came in in the morning I did puzzles at the tables with the children i helped them with whatever one they were doing. After this I played games with the children.
Then I did art and crafts with the kids. This week they were learning about farm animals so we were making sheep. Were using old yoghurt pots and cotton wool. I helped (2 by 2) the children to cover the yoghut pots in glus and then stick and place balls of cotton wolls on the pots. Then they went to the teacher and got a face.

After this I played trains and blocks with some of the boys and girls. I heped them build the train tracks and we also made a castle with the blocks. Then it was tidy up time.

Then I did Jolly Phonics with kids, i held the book and showed them the pictures and sang along. Then it was time for the boys and girls Lunch. Which I helped with also.


After Lunch we sang songs and played group games. When It was hope time I helped the kids put their jackets and bags on.

I really enjoyed my third day of work experience in the playschool, I loved working the children!

2nd week!

In the morning I came in and played and did puzzles with the children.  I helped them with whatever they were doing. After this I did painting with all of kids. I called them up two by two to their picture. I showed them how to use the paints, then I  rolled up the selves etc. I then wiped their hands etc when they were done I also cleaned up any split paint and when they were finished.

Then I did a board game called shopping lists with the children in groups of sixs'. I had to tell them how to play and help along the way
After this I played again with kids, put costumes on them and helped them. After their lunch I did story time and jolly phonics. Then we sany songs and then it was time to go home. All kids got their jackets and things together.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

First day of third work placement

 Today was my first day in Allsorts' playschool.  When I came in I first meet the two ladies who run and work in the playschool,  they were really nice and friendly. They were both really welcome, I wasnt nervous or anxious about the day ahead.

 Then Martina introduced me to all the kids, they were all really excited to have a new person in their classroom. At first I helped and played dress-up with some of the kids, then I played and helped the children with puzzles and jigsaws.

Martina then talked to me about the playschool's policies incl child abuse, confidentiality etc.

 After this I wrote all the children's names on sheets of paper for painting. Then two by two I called each child to the painting area to paint. I had to roll up their selves, place a painting t - shirt on them help them and then wipe their hands using a baby wipe.

Throughtout thedat of work experience I played games and helped the kids. I also read stories and helped in the cleaning up of the toys.

I really the day working with the xhildren and can't wait to go back next week! ;)
I have started by Third work experience placement in Allsorts playschool Celbridge!

Thursday 7 February 2013

5th Wednesday of my second work experience.......

Today in work experience for all of the day I was working in Beauty/make up section of the store.

In the morning I began by helpig place the new orers of make up, hair products, tan and suncream on their seleves. Then myself and the two other work experience girls began working on making hampers of make up because it is Valintines day soon. 

First of we had to find all the items to make the actual hamper like the bags, ribbions, selafane and selotape. Then our superviosor Lauren showed us how to make them. then we had to choose differnent products from the number 7 range to be placed in the hampers. 

Then we began to make the actual hampers. at first it was difficult and it took a while to get just one done but ten after a while we got the hang of it. 

After lunch I went and got the two selves the hampers were going on for the void room. We all contined working on the hampers for most of the day. I put price tages, codes and placed them on the selve when each one was done.

All day was spent on these hampers but also customer service; helping any customers with anything they needed.

All interactions with both staff and customes were good. I really enjoyed today and I am getting a taste of what it is like to run and work in a retail enviornment.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Week/Day 4!

Morning: I places the new tans and suncreams out ontp the selves and then moved on to the new order pf make up. I divided all the new makeup into their different brands. Tapped and tagged them all. Then placed all the items out onto the shelves and checked everything was in its place and tidy. Then myself and the two other girls placed a large order of beauty and hair accessories out onto shelves and organised them. I also organised some perfume.  Then I placed alarms on some electric items and then placed them on their shelves. I cleaned the makeup and electric area.
Afternoon: I walked around pulled forward and helping any customers who needed assistance.  The myself and the others place stock in the stockroom and office. Then I was back in the beauty department and I place Valentine's and half price signs in the perfum presses. Then we cleaned two cupboards out and placed the rubbish in the bin. Then I cleaned, pulled foward and did customer service.  Then I filled up all the perfume tester paper containers. 

Third day/week of my second work experience

This was my third day of work experience in boots maynooth.  I have started to get to knw where everything is and all the codes etc.
In the morning, I was working in the beauty department again because a new order had come in. First I divided all the make up into the different brands, then we placed them out on to the selves and tidied everything up.
I also placed all the new tans and sun creams out on selves.
After this we places security tags on all the sale perfume and made sure the old ones were working by scaning them at the till. This tookmus up to lunch time to complete.
After lunch I was on the shop floor helping customers, pushing foward and cleaning. Then they had been a new order of makeup wipes just in so we had to put up a new selve up and then take all the wipes out of their boxs and put them on the selves.  All the boxxs then had to be flattened and placed in the recycling bin.

Week 2: 2nd work experience

These are the main things I did on my second week of work experience in Boots:
  • Void room - storage room, organise everything, pieces of selves and the clean the room.
  • Helping in the make up section
  • Clearing selves for new items
  • Cleaning
  • Keeping the sale area stocked nd clean
  • Baby items moved and layout. 

Week 1:

When i arrived in Boots in Maynooth, myself and the two others who were work experience in Boots too were introduced to all the staff and met the manager once again. they were very friendly. The sales manager showed us the locker room were we put our belonings and coats. She then brought us to the canteen.
We then waited here for the Manager Ken. When he arrived he told us a few points about boot and a think called shrink - this is stealing in all forms and doing certain things that could possably reduce the profit of the shop. We then watched a 15 minute DVD about shrink. I learnd a lot of new information THAT I DIDNT RELISE ACTUALLY HAPPENED BEFORE.
When the DVD was finished Ken told us all the rules, regulations and helth and saftey guidelines. We then filled out a form about those items. He told us the fire regulatons eg. the fire exits etc. Ken then brought us down to the shop floor and gave us a tour of the store. Were everything was and the layout. He also showed us the skock room etc.
I was then shown the beauty and make up department and the girls who worked there. They had just got a delivery in so myself and another girl were asked to help out with this. We sealed all the new make up and then placed them out on the selves.  This took us up till lunch at 12.00.
When we came back from lunch I finished off the job in the makeup area and I was asked to place perfume - a new order into the stock room. After this I walked around the shop and tidying everything, pulling forward and helping customers with anything they needed. 
Then I went to the storage area and untangled alarms. After this I was asked t read a short piece on the computer about helth and safety then to take a short test on what I had learned. Then it was time to go home!
I enjoyed my day working, I learnt a lot about how a shop works and how its set up. It was very different to my last work experience and I was quite tired after the day. All interactions with were good.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

I have now started my second term of work experience in Boots Maynooth! !